Oman Airline is National flag carrier of Oman, it is located in Muscat International Airline in Seeb, Muscat. It operates flight to Domestic destinations as well as International destinations. This airline has a record for not having any accident or incident in the history of the company. It is member of Arab air carrier organizations. In 1970, Oman International Services established. From the December of 2015, Oman Airline spreads his wings to around 50 destinations in 27 countries from its hub in Muscat. Oman Air flies its first flight to Dubai in July 1993, in the same year when Oman Air was founded. In the year of 1998 Oman Air was selected in the industrial group of International Air Transport Association. It was the First Airline in the year of 2010 to provide phone and Wi-Fi services on some routes. During flight in Oman Air you can enjoy inflight entertainment in which you can be provided by Games, Music and selection of different movies, and it is the first airline who provide the Holy Quran to recite in all the Airlines.


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